Abra is a Psyker who has channeled so much energy through her psi-orbs that her body is covered in weeping pustules. Apparently if she were to remove the bandages, her skin would come away with them. Nice.
Little is known of Angel. She's been around a while and she's the stern but loyal leader of the Ghosts.
Sculpted by Shane Hoyle, the figures have lots of lovely details without being over-fussy in the way some big companies' figures can be. They're well cast and paint up really nicely. The detail is crisp and little cleanup was required.
The kickstarter funded in well under an hour, so these figures are definitely coming. All 10 Ghosts are now unlocked and you can also get some Guinea Pigs with guns. You know they'll come in useful sooner or later! Rumours of a gun-toting capybara may or may not be true...
In honour of Annie's chaos army (see here: http://ralphslittleworld.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/dragon-rampant-at-firestorm-games.html?m=1 ), I decided to give Abra bleeding eyes!